Thursday 1 October 2009

Enhance-Me - Mother & Baby Mega Give Away

Presenting our next contributor.... Enhance - Me are offering a
RRP £13.99
The possibilities with Enhance-me are endless.
Create a wonderfully UNIQUE gift for friends or family. Stunning custom enchanted photo portraits of your child. Create Magical photo invitations, fairy photo enhancements, personalised thank yous, holiday and Christmas photo cards and more!
Fairy photos, enchanted Storybook themes, Space Travel ~ Imagine Your Child In The Most Magical Of Places!
Enhance-Me is currently offering a Halloween and Christmas Enhancement service where parents can get wonderfully unique images created and can use these for their Halloween celebrations and Christmas cards or a special gift!

The Mother & Baby Mega Give Away is due to start soon, for now we are just announcing all the goodies that are up for grabs and getting everyone excited!
See what the give away is all about here and scroll down this page to see all the amazing prizes to be won! Keep an eye on us, you wont be dissapointed I promise!
Monica xxx

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