Tuesday 31 August 2010

Seedbom Review by Laura

We sent a Seedbom to Laura over at arewenearlythereyetmummy blog for her to review and it looks like the kids had fun! :D
Are we there yet mummy blog - Seedbom review

If you want your very own set of Seedboms (great eco friendly party bag fillers too!) you can get them here!

Monica x

Handmade Marketing - Giveaways the Ins and Outs

I was featured in an article by Handmade Marketing - May 2009

Mama Bag by My Funny Bunny

Mama Bag
Just found out the lovely Cafe Bebe blog did a tiny review on our Mummy Bag that she bought last summer!

Below is a little extract of her blog where she mentions our bag.

We love to know what people think of our creations :)

You can also find comments on our facebook page.
Winter 2009

Friday 27 August 2010

My Baby Girl is 1

My memories about my Booboo's birth are good, unlike my son's birth, her birth was free from stress and very tranquil, painful none the less!

I had given birth once before and wasn't scared or nervous about it, I gave birth naturally, just as I did my son, but this time I had the birth at Basildon hospital in the midwife led birth unit in a nice spacious room with a massive window overlooking a park in a birthing pool.

It was the best birth experience I could have ever wished for, my memories are tranquil ones of soothing music with birds chirping, the feel of the warm water on my skin and a beautiful baby girl in my arms. Yes I did have a complication, she did her first poop inside me (yew!) which meant that if I didn't push her out quick enough I would have to have an emergency caesarian, which I definitely didn't want!!! So as soon as the midwife told me my baby was in danger I turned on my Superwoman mode and I pushed her out fast!

It was still amazing though, I did it all by myself :), the midwife did not touch me or the baby for anything except to see how dilated I was. My amazing husband was there holding my hand, my mother in law was there but as quiet as a mouse bless her, specially considering she is a midwife too (my mum had been to my DS' birth, so my MIL came all the way from South Africa for her turn).

Unlike my little boy where I had difficulty breastfeeding for the two months or so (having flat nipples didn't help!), my Boo Boo was on the breast within 15-20 mins of being born and breast fed like a pro, as if she had been doing it for years... maybe its a girl thing! ;)

Now my baby is a toddler and a mischievous one at that, 14 months now and starting to run... I see great things in her future, very smart for her age and most of all a determined little girl.

I love you my Boo Boo and I promise to do all I can to raise you right and give you as many opportunities as I can, just the same goes for your brother.

Love you always Boo Boo

Mummy xxx

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Blogging for Newbies - An interview with Lynette Chandler

Today's post is going to be a little different.

Recently, the good folks at BlogEnergizer.com have offered to write any blog an exclusive interview so I said yes and here's the interview with team leader, Lynette Chandler.

I hope you find lots of good information in it as I have and don't forget to vote for me because the interview with the most votes will win some cool prizes! http://blogenergizer.com/teip-vote/

Interview with Lynette:

What is your advice for someone interested in setting up a blog for the first time?

Lots but in order not to write a novel, I would say, start with your own domain. When you use your own domain, you will always have control over it - provided you keep it of course but don't build lots of content and traffic to someone else's domain.

Which platform do you recommend is best for novice bloggers & advanced bloggers?

Oh I am so very partial to WordPress, this is probably not going to be a 'fair' answer but I truly believe it works so well for those who are new and those who are really experienced too. No doubt, if you are new, you will either have to have someone do the initial setup or get some guidance so you can be walked through the setup. For that, again I am going to be partial and suggest Blogging Starter Pack http://bloggingstarterpack.com. Once the initial setup is done, it will be like riding the bike downhill.

What is your advice if you are stuck for content or what to write?

You get blogging prompts from BlogEnergizer premium.

Ok I suppose you mean other than the obvious answer. Here's what you can do:
Look at the calendar. Here's a free blogging calendar you can download.
Dig into your affiliate emails. Affiliate managers are often running promotions, send out coupons and deal notices.
Look at old posts. You may find there were some posts where you promised an update that you never got around to or you wanted to expand on a related point but chose to keep that post focused. Now is your chance to go off that tangent and write updates.
Have you reviewed products independently? Re-read them. Do you still feel the same way about the product? Why or why not. Write an updated post to that review.
Check out what everyone else is talking on Twitter. Can the subject be somehow made relevant or lead you to a point that is relevant to your topic?
Borrow the limelight from someone else's popular post. Write your own thoughts about their post why you agree or disagree, expand on the topic.
There's just a ton of places and ways you can get your inspiration from. One of my best tactics is not to sit and look at a blank screen. Get out, enjoy life and other people you'll be surprised how many post ideas come at you while you do that. Oh and keep a notebook, audio recorder or something handy while you're out so you can jot these ideas down.

What is better to keep readers interested? Short or long posts?

Neither. I believe it is not the length that matters but the substance of the post. If you can wrap your thoughts and ideas down into a neat, short post that's great. It takes a lot of practice and even good writers sometimes find that difficult. But in blogging to me is not defined by the number of words in a post. If what you have to say is not that exciting, you could make it short or long nobody will respond to it.

Some topics naturally take a lot longer to explain and to make your case so you write as much as it takes to educate the readers but if it is going to turn into a novel then perhaps you may have to ask yourself if you should break it down into a series of posts or even to limit the scope of the topic and leave the rest of a later time. Do not be afraid of not covering every single point. In fact, it is a good thing because that means you will have more to write about later on :)

I have heard of people saying you should always post a image with your post when you can but also heard that too many images can slow down the loading of your blog page. What is your opinion?

Both are right and the good news is you can do both very easily. I love images in my posts. They add interest and it I've heard of some people doing well in image searches too. Images break up the content and makes it easy to read a long post if you have a long post.

As far as page speed goes, you just need to make sure your images are well optimized. Don't put in a 1280 x 960 image and scale it. Instead, edit the photo. Yes, we bloggers have to be amateur photo editors too. All you need to do is resize it to an appropriate size and re-save the resolution so the file size is as small as possible without turning the image into a blur. The nice part about WordPress is, you can edit, crop and scale the image right there after you upload.

Having said that, it is not wise to put in 10 images in a post that is only a few paragraphs long just for the sake of it. Some posts like tutorials is OK but general posts not quite. Use your judgment. My personal rule of thumb is at least one but not more than 2 images in a non-tutorial post.

Did you like this interview? Then give Monica a hand and vote for it at http://blogenergizer.com/teip-vote/

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Portuguese Rice Pudding "Arroz Doce" Recipe

My mums rice pudding is the best ever! 

I hope you try it next time you're in the kitchen, you won't regret it!
She shares it with you below.
The pic shows one without cinnamon, and don't forget you can try and replace the milk with soy milk, etc for a vegan rice pudding!

Its yum!
Monica xx

4 pints of milk
1 heaped (Soup) spoon of Custard Powder
Sugar to taste
2 Cinnamon Sticks
2 Lemon peel, (outside peel, cut like potato peel)a slight pinch of Salt only.(note: if over salt it, it will hold a bad taste, so its just a pinch)
1 Hand full of Rice. (put your hand inside the bag and grab hold of the most rice you can by closing you hand, let the excess fall as you hold tight)

Start by putting 2 pints of milk, salt pinch, cinnamon sticks and lemon peel, in a pan, bring it to boiling point, (milk rises very quickly, be careful not to let it spill, as burnt milk has a foul smell and you will be short in fluids at the end).

Add the rice, and stir often, always taking care not to let it raise above the edges of the pan. You will have a load of fluid and some rice scattered, that is how it should be. Its ready for the next step when rice is over cooked, (very puffy and soft).

At this stage add another pint of milk, (only when rice is cooked enough, if you were to add the sugar or cold milk before the rice is cooked enough, the rice would stop cooking and remain hard/rubbery). Add the sugar to taste, our family loves it sweet, so we make it very sweet, about 250gm of sugar. However each person may have different sugar tastes, so add sugar to taste, (after adding the desired sugar you can always try a bit of the sauce/milk to see if it is enough or you require more).

Let it boil for about 5 minutes in slow temperature, (enough to keep it boiling).

Meanwhile get a tall bowl, pour in the remaining pint of milk, and add the heaped spoon of custard, (you may add an extra leveled spoon of custard powder if you want it really creamy), mix well, as often it sticks to the bottom of the bowl, so make sure it has completely disolved.

Once the 5 minutes or so have passed pour in the custard mix. Bring it to the boil again, it should now be a lovely yellow creamy substance, ready... steady... Eat....., (when hot it may upset your bowels, so let it cool off, remember to lick the pan, (using a spoon of course).

You need to pour it immediately into containers, individual or not. Container/s need to be taller rather than wider, to keep it creamy and avoiding to dry off. You can then powder the top of the rice pudding with grounded cinnamon.

From your first time confectioning it, you can then adjust the amounts of custard, milk, and sugar to your own liking. If you have guests and want to impress just double or triple the ingredients and make enough for everyone. I always do 12 pints of milk, as they are many, and love it.

You can also work with half water half milk, but will not be as creamy.

Little Secret: if you ever manage to get to a Portuguese supermarket or you travel to Portugal, replace the  custard with: "Leite Creme"-Brand "Royal" , you will then be hooked for life.

BOM APETITE - Enjoy your Dessert 

Mum aka FunnyBanana

Wednesday 11 August 2010

My baby boy is 4

It seems that only yesterday I was in pain in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, waiting on a wheelchair for the hospital staff to clean a birthing room... yes, I was in a queue!
I did think that my little boy was gonna be born on a wheelchair in the hospital corridor with his daddy absent... but that is a story for another day... yes, amazingly I haven't told it yet, mostly for the fact that its gonna be a mega post and I am rubbish at writing unlike some other fabulous mummy bloggers I know!!

Anyway, my little Stefan was 4 on the 29th of April 2010 (yes I know I'm late... like everything else in my life! ;D).

His first two birthdays were BBQ's with family & friends and his 3rd birthday was a children's party with some games, but nothing extra special.

Now his 4th birthday I really wanted to be special, something that he would remember, as he is now in the age of getting excited about his birthday party. We have been a bit skint with my hubby looking for a new job and all so we didn't have much money to play around with, but I really wanted to make it special for him.

I went around and around in circles in my head and thought dressing up was a good idea as he was really into Toy Story and it sounded fun, he was ecstatic about the idea too! So we went out and bought him a Woody outfit and he was so excited!!

But then I thought... what the heck am I gonna do with a bunch of dressed up kids looking at me??!! Ahhhhh, didn't sound like much fun to me at all!!!

I spoke to my hubby and we agreed on a jumpy castle to keep the rugrats busy... and that was that!

Amazingly when it came to the actual birthday party the kids REALLY enjoyed the jumpy castle, I mean really... they were on it for 4-5 hours, only stoping to eat or drink!!! I sincerely though the novelty with wear off after 2 hours... but even the adults wanted a go on it... the party only stopped because it started raining!
To this day Stefan still talks about his party and that was my goal, to make my funny bunny happy and etch his 4th birthday into his memory. I think I achieved that!!

I love you my boy and you always be my baby.

Lots of love,
Monica x

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Make some extra $$££ on Twitter

So for all of you twitter fans and fanatics I thought I would let you know how to make a bit of extra money on twitter.

No automated tweets or anything like that, just sponsored tweets that you choose if you want to tweet or not... simple as that, no one uses your account automatically, you have to personally authorise and on some of them even write the tweet yourself.

So... you get paid to tweet what you want to and what is relevant to your audience!

The ones I recommend are Ad.ly and Sponsored Tweets

To date I have made $18, I know its not a lot but I am very selective with my tweets as I of course only choose sponsors that I feel are relevant and interesting to my audience!

Or alternatively if you think your message is relevant to my audience you can always Sponsor me! ;)

Ta ta for now...

Monica x

Boppy Feeding and Infant Support Pillow from Chicco

I got a one of these nursing pillows from Chicco the other day, I wasn't sure what print I would get as it was just random but I got a lovely pink one as shown above.

These are stunning baby nursing / breastfeeding pillows, they are not too hard and not too soft... just the right "fluffiness" in fact. I had a different one that one of my friends borrowed me when my little one was born and I had to give it right back as it was far too hard and not very comfortable at all!

It comes in a nice reusable plastic carrier type bag with handles, great for storing while not in use to keep it all nice and clean, great for to take it in the car for use at grandma's or a friend's house!

You can use it all the way from birth to 9m+

Use it for nursing baby from birth and laying baby on it like a little nest so you can play with him or her.

From around 6 months you can use it to put the baby on its front for some tummy time, so they can get their muscles strong and ready for crawling.

From around 9 months you can use it for baby to learn to sit up.

All in all a great piece of kit as you can expect to use it for about 9 months depending on baby's development! The outer cover is washable and has a zip so it's great for keeping the pillow nice and clean. You always buy extra covers to change them if you want, specially useful if you have another child!

I went to their website to check it out (www.boppyworld.co.uk) and I found this really cool overview of the pillow, like a 360 degree thingy... its cool, check it out 3D overview, it sort of gives you an idea of what the pillow is like.

A recommended item for new mothers and mothers to be, makes a great gift too!

I also found this really fun game...funny too...its exactly how it is when you are a first time mummy!!!

Requires Flash Player

I found it here http://www.boppyworld.co.uk/MomsRevengeBlog.aspx, you can share it with your friends too! Its such a laugh, and every new mother deserves some fun in between all the hard work we put in with the babies!

Anyway, take care of yourself and I hope to bring you more product reviews soon!

Monica x

Monday 9 August 2010

Sock Ons - Clever little things that keep baby socks on!!!

How many times have you gotten annoyed cause your baby doesn't seem to leave their socks alone on their feet... sometimes leaving a "trail" of socks on the street?

When they start crawling around and you want their socks to stay on so their precious little feet don't get freezing on the cold floor?

Well now thanks to a genius invention of a mother of five we have Sock Ons!!! Clever little things that keep your baby's socks stay put!

See for yourself!

Cool hey?!? No more "I've put on his socks a thousand times today!!!"

Sock Ons Classic colours have become part of a baby's essential wardrobe!

They are made from a softly woven blend of elasticised material with contrasting coloured stitching around the edges. 

They are available in 5 plain colours: Baby Pink, fuchsia, Baby Blue, Navy and White
and Sneaker prints in 4 colours: Sky Runner, Sailor Blue, Princess Pink and Fairy White (corresponding to image above), making them the perfect baby gift!

Now available at www.myfunnybunny.com !