Thursday 30 September 2010

Meet our author - Emily

If you haven't noticed already we have some new peeps helping us deliver to you an exciting blog which will help you make parenting an easier and more fun ride!

Now you will get to meet Emily which will be sharing with us her new mummy ramblings and reviews! Glad to have her with us.

Now over to Emily...
Monica x

Mummy blogging

Why should people read my blogs about my experiences pre and post pregnancy? Hmmm! Why should you? Well, I write blogs already about my business which is design and marketing for print and web and enjoy having the odd rant here and there as well as providing people with useful hints and tips so when My Funny Bunny asked me to write as a mummy I thought I’d apply the same principals.

I am a first time mum, I have a stepson who is 16 who has been brought up by my partner for over 12 years and we live a very happy life together in Southend on Sea. I will not profess to be anything special or different from any other mum out there but I will hopefully strike a chord with people and relate to their experiences.

So you tell me what you want to hear about or comment on my blogs so I know what you do and don’t like and I’ll try and cater for all you mums and dads out there and hopefully add a bit of humour and general banter along the way!


Wednesday 29 September 2010

Meet our author - Blondie

If you haven't noticed already we have some new peeps helping us deliver to you an exciting blog which will help you make parenting an easier and more fun ride!

Now you will get to meet Blondie which will be sharing with us her new mummy ramblings and reviews! Glad to have her with us.

Now over to Blondie...
Monica x

Blondie and Blondie Boy

Hi y'all! 

I'm Blondie and I'm Mommy to 8 1/2 month old Blondie Boy and wife to my Scottish NotBlondeHusband. As you might have guessed from the "y'all" and "mommy," I'm American, but have been living in Scotland since 2004. Our family is spread across the UK, US and Thailand so I started blogging to keep them updated on what we've been up to and since becoming a first time Mom my blog's morphed into something much more babycentric.

Right now I'm on maternity leave and loving playing, loving and learning with my wee boy. We are a cloth diaper (nappy) household, with occasional disposables and I make all of Blondie Boy's food and am enjoying altering recipes to make them hypoallergenic and baby friendly. Blondie Boy has eczema so we are very careful to make sure it doesn't flare up more than we can control.

I love to travel and I can't wait to show Blondie Boy what all is out there in this big, bad world. I hope y'all will enjoy what I have to say and I can't wait to hear feedback from y'all, too!

(Photography credit: Kortnee Kate Photography)

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Gay Chicken (Frango a Paneleiro) Recipe

Portuguese recipe - Frango รก Paneleiro
Frango a paneleiro / Gay Chicken after cooked & cut in half

Serves 4 regular portions (1/4 chicken each portion)
Serves 2 large portions (Big eaters - 1/2 chicken each portion)
(please note this can only be done with whole chickens, it will not work with half chickens)


1 Small Chicken
1 Lemon
Salt, (table or sea salt) to taste
Ground Black Pepper or Piri-Piri to taste
Margarine - 1 level table spoon
Olive Oil - 2 level table spoons
Lard - 1 level table spoon
1 Bay leaf
1 Garlic head or 1 level table spoon of garlic paste (paste works better)
1 Onion - medium sized
Coriander - a few stems
Parsley - a few stems
Paprika - 2 tea spoons
Beer/White wine - 1 Mug
No sparkly wines or sweet wines to be used, the same goes for non alcoholic, as it will leave a sweet unpleasant taste to it. (please note the alcohol will evaporate as it cooks so it should not interfere with any religious beliefs, however if need be it can be replaced with water,  but it will not be as tasty!!)
Equipment needed:
Oven tray - Should be as small as possible according to amount of chicken.
Kitchen Foil

Pre-heat oven on full blast

Wash and prepare the chicken by getting rid of excess fat, feathers etc. Wash the inside of the chicken well.

Wash the lemon, bay leave, herbs, peeled onion and garlic (if whole, not paste! lol).

Leave the herbs whole
Chop the onion in medium chunks
Chop the garlic in tiny sticks
Break the bay leaf
Stab the lemon all around with a fork.

In the tray rub the salt, Pepper/Piri-Piri, Bay leave, Paprika, Herbs, and garlic on the chicken. Massage, massage, massage, first outside then inside the chicken, the longer you massage it on the chicken, the tastier it will be (hence the name).

Place the chicken breast facing upwards in the middle of the tray, stick the stabbed lemon in its rear end, (stuffed inside chicken), spread the onion around it, pour the beer or white wine over it. Cover with kitchen foil.

Cook in the oven, (middle shelf), covered with the foil in full Blast for 30 minutes, (double for 2 chickens or large chicken), Check, pour sauce over it, turn it breasts down, cover it again, (fan assisted ovens take away 10 minutes per stage or more depending how strong is your oven), put it back in the oven, now we only need it at 3/4 not full blast. Wait another 30 minutes.

Halfway through cooking - Doubled recipe
Uncover it, turn it breast up again, it should be cooked by now, check for blood near bone, if no bloody fluids, then it's cooked. Put it back in the oven (uncovered) on full blast again, for 15 minutes, just to get tanned to taste, you may find that you like it lighter therefore 15 minutes will be too much.

Remove lemon before serving. Do not leave it on the tray or break off while taking it out, as it will turn everything very bitter.

Serve with white rice with butter and chips, and/or salad.


Monday 27 September 2010

Meet our author - FunnyBanana

If you haven't noticed already we have some new peeps helping us deliver to you an exciting blog which will help you make parenting an easier and more fun ride!

Now you will get to meet FunnyBanana Mum and Dad which will be sharing with us delectable family recipes of Portuguese cuisine as well as their ramblings and reviews!

Over to FunnyBanana...
Monica x

We are the proud parents of a large Portuguese family, where the youngest is 20, three boys and a girl. We always have huge amounts of food to cook as they all grew up to be big eaters. Having a rich cuisine and living in UK, made us train our children intensively on our Portuguese cuisine so that tradition is not lost. They are all good cooks.

Mum or Dad are the same, we are both excellent cooks *pats her own back*, and well experienced ;). We both have our specialities, dishes we prepare better than each other. Dad is more patient in the kitchen than mum, but mum gives detailed practical training at all times. (I never loose an opportunity to teach them one more secret, one more way.)

Having lived in several European countries before settling in UK, made us pick up some variations along the way, which makes some of our recipes very unique. We will be regularly sharing them with you.

We will be happy to answer any questions about Portuguese Cuisine, and tips about cooking for a family of 5 that eat like 12. lol (that's me); Ouch!!! (that is my wallet)

We will also have recipes for you to vote on, so you can choose what recipe we share with you next!! :)

My youngest just prepared some lovely food for his workaholic, starving mum!!! Sweet!! Thank you son xxxx AH!!! And he will be cooking the Gay Chicken (Frango a Paneleiro) for tonight's dinner , so I can have a lovely picture for you to see.

Till next time.

Mum aka FunnyBanana x

Sunday 26 September 2010

I am a Quinny Caster!

A little while ago I saw on twitter that Quinny where looking for some people to test out their products, I clicked on the link and it took me to a website where they said they were looking for 25 people that are active on the internet to test out their Quinny Zapp Extra, after testing it out, you would get to keep it!

I thought I will give it a go and apply, I told my husband that I am not that lucky but if I didn't apply then there would be zero chance. So needless to say I applied and totally for got about it...

A few days later I received an email saying that I was accepted!!! Only 25 people were accepted out of 3000 applications :)

The Quinny Casters, including me, *brushes hair from face* can all be found on the Quinny Casters website,, where you can find out more about us and check out what we all say about the Quinny Zapp Extra. On there you will also find our blog posts, you tube videos and  tweets about our experiences with the Quinny Zapp Extra.

They gave us a choice of which colour to choose between black and red, I chose red as I love bright colours (hence!) and because I have a black Mamas & Papas pushchairs that is black and it shows dirt and dust really quickly.

So here it is, the awaited Quinny, I was told I should receive it by tuesday, I do hope I will receive it on Monday because on tuesday I have to take Funny Bunny to preschool and I might miss the delivery.

I also hope that this pushchair is awesome, because I have been a  devout fan of Stokke, I have had Xplorys for almost 5 years, my first one got "lost" (more like stolen) in a flight to South Africa in which I flew with Iberia Airlines and my second which I bought straight after that is still with us.

However now I look forward to something small which I can hide away when not in use. So lets see how the Quinny measures up!!

I did have a Quinny Zapp in bright orange which I sold on ebay, it was my emergency "don't have any space in the boot" and holiday pushchair but I got annoyed with it because it didn't recline and my son would sleep with his neck all crooked and complain afterwards. I had resorted to, when I really did need to use it and he would fall asleep, walking holding it backwards so it was only on two wheels, I looked like a crazy mum but at least my son was comfortable and that is all that matters! Needless to say, I used the frame with the Maxi Cosi car seat for BooBoo when she was tiny (it was absolutely fab for that by the way) and then it ended up on eBay.

I look forward to sharing with you my experiences with the Quinny Zapp, I will try and share as many ways as possible, by video, photos, blogging and tweeting. As soon as it arrives I will show you the grand opening of the box!

So keep tuned in and your eyes peeled ;)

Monica x

Saturday 25 September 2010

The waiting game...

I have done the worst thing possible, I got into my head that my baby was going to be 2 weeks early! Now, with 2 days until my due date it already feels like I am over due. What will I do if I go over? I know I’m going to be a nightmare because I’m fed up now, I feel whale like and it’s uncomfortable. People have gone from saying “ooh, aren’t you tiny” just a mere few weeks ago to now likening me to someone who looks like they’ve swallowed a beach ball!

I only have myself to blame by trying to schedule the baby in like she was one of my clients but what do I do now? I suppose I just have to wait and see when she is ready to make an appearance!

I have a friend who I met at my NCT group and out of the 5 of us she was due first, she is now 4 days over and 1 of our group has already beaten her to the post, she has a large baby that could be a 10 pounder and she is relaxed as anything, she’s walking everywhere and thinks it’s funny that if we go into labour this weekend she could be the last of us to give birth. I really don’t know how she can still smile about it… is this me over reacting, should I just enjoy the last bit of pregnancy, try and relax and get over it?

I think I am just being impatient as we know it’s a girl, we decided on a name before she was even conceived and it’s like she has her own little personality already as people refer to her by her name, so I just want to meet her and see her, I want to know what colour hair she has, who’s nose she has, whether she has teeny ears like me and if she has a long body like her dad, the more I think about it, the more I feel like a small child at Christmas desperate to open the presents under the tree. We have so many plans for her, her things are ready we just need her to join us.

Well, I guess there’s nothing I can do other than the obvious curry, raspberry leaf tea, fresh pineapple and bumpy car journeys amongst other things so I’ll just have to play the waiting game!

I’ll keep you posted…


Support for Special Parents: Four Ways to Reach Out and be a Cheerleader

Despite all the wonders of modern medicine and scientific research no direct cause or cure has yet been discovered for autism. As a result, the prevalence of autism continues to rise at an alarming rate. With some sources stating that as many as 1 in 91 children are being affected, everyone is bound to know of a family or a child with autism.

Parenting is tough enough as it is. Just think of all the times you wished for an extra helping hand or a kind comment. Now take a parent of a child on the autism spectrum and double that, maybe even triple it. Half the battle of parenting a child with autism is having a big enough cheering section to pull from when you need it. Won’t you consider being a part of some mom or dad’s cheering squad?
The next time you meet or hear of someone who has a child on the autism spectrum, be brave and take action. And remember that assisting families who are dealing with challenging circumstances should not be a time limited endeavor but a year round effort. If you know a parent with a child on the autism spectrum and want to help but aren’t sure what to do here are four ways to show your support:

  • Make Contact – Whether the mom you know is a relative, friend, neighbor or coworker give her a call, send her a card, an email or a text message offering supportive words. If you are inclined to give a gift, consider a contribution of your time by offering to do some errands or cook a meal.

  • Offer respite – If you know how exhausting being a parent of a typical child can be - try doubling or tripling it – and you will get a feel for what it is like to parent an autistic child. Extend an invitation to watch or entertain your friend’s, neighbor’s, relative’s autistic child even if it is just for 15 or 30 minutes. Providing a short break from the hyper vigilance these parents have to practice every hour of the day can be the most beneficial thing you can do for them.

  • Gain some understanding – Do some research or reading on the subject of autism so you can acquire more of an appreciation of what it is like for parents to have a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The more informed you are about autism, the more likely you are to feel comfortable around autistic children and offer a helping hand.

  • Share resources - When you come across new information, ideas and supportive resources, about autism, don’t assume the parent already has this information - share it with them. Don’t worry that you may be duplicating information, hearing something twice never hurt anyone but not helping them stay abreast of beneficial services might.

Still hesitant? If you need a nudge to get you moving in the right direction just picture yourself in their shoes. A short investment of your time supporting a parent of a child with autism will be well worth the effort when you sense the relief they feel and see that glowing smile blossom across their face.

Imagine less worries and concerns as a parent, especially a parent of a child on the Autism spectrum... and more happiness and joyful times as a family. That’s what you get when you have the support of Connie Hammer, expert parent educator and coach. For more than twenty years, this licensed social worker has worked with families to create opportunities that open possibilities for more love, more fun and more contentment, regardless of disability. To find out how she can help you take your parenting to the next level visit her website at http://www.parentcoachingforautism.comor sample her free ecourse.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Is ur child a budding comedian?


Is your son is a budding comedian? Forever cracking jokes that have the whole family in stitches? Then this could be their big break! Toxic, the fun-filled magazine for boys aged 7-12, is launching a brand new campaign to find the UK’s Best Joke Ever.

The competition, launched in 8th September issue, will be judged by an expert ‘funny’ panel including top children’s comedian, James Campbell and the Toxic editorial team. To enter, boys simply need to select their favourite joke and send it to Toxic (239 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6SA) or enter online at . The ultimate winner will have the chance to be a stand-up comedian for the day in James Campbell’s Comedy Academy 4 Kids and see their joke in print in a dedicated issue of Toxic magazine!

The Toxic Teams says, “Our readers are huge fans of jokes and laugh-out-loud funny stuff and we wanted to give them the opportunity to share their favourite one-liners, knock-knock jokes and other classics. The funniest gags will be printed in a future issue of Toxic magazine. Who knows, we may discover the next Harry Hill, Richard Hammond or Dick and Dom..!

For even more laughter, pick up a copy of Toxic’s Jokes Special issue (RRP £2.60, available from all good newsagents and supermarkets), on sale 8th September. It’s packed full of crazy comics, silly celebs, funny video games, competitions and a free funny jokes pack to get boys laughing.

For inspiration, the Toxic ‘Funny Panel’ has compiled their top tips for telling jokes to get boys thinking and encourage them to get involved:

1. Know your joke!
Memorise the joke you’re going to tell and practise saying it a few times.

2. Pick out the funny bits!
Decide which words are the funniest and emphasise those when you tell the joke.

3. Get the timing right!
Leave a gap between the start of the joke and the punch line to build up anticipation and make it funnier.

4. Choose a funny joke!
If the joke doesn’t make you laugh then it won’t make your audience laugh. Pick one that’s a real side splitter!
5. What are your top tips on telling a funny story?
- The best stories are true and have happened to you. Then you just need to stretch them a little bit. Keep it real!
- It’s also important to spend a long time daydreaming. Turn the TV off and let your mind wander.

6. What are your top tips on performing on stage?
It’s best to relax and let go. If you’ve rehearsed it then you just have to relax and let it happen.

Saturday 18 September 2010

"Great Eco Bib Idea" Feature

The awesome Mally Leather Bibs (available from us) were featured on The Green Familia, you can see the article here:

My Funny Bunny mentioned on The Green Familia!
Of course we are not surprised as they are an amazing product! Why have tons of bibs when you can just have one?? Specially one that you can just wipe and you don't even need to launder.

Oh and I forgot to mention... just pop it on your fridge when not in use, because they have magnets! 
An all around winner as you will agree :)

Friday 17 September 2010

Next Step Toilet Training Seat Review

The training is going fantastically well, and I'm so proud of my grown up girl who managed a whole day out yesterday with no nappies or pull-ups, and used the toilet in various shops and cafes (announcing very loudly and triumphantly to all the customers, "Granny I did a big wee on the toilet!"). She also started back at nursery today, and came home clean and dry.

A major achievement, of which I am very proud.

The potty has had very little use in our house over the last week or so. Ruby much prefers to use the toilet, thanks to the fantastic 'Next Step' trainer seat from Bemis. If you have not heard of it, it is integral to the actual toilet seat and lid, rather than a portable plastic trainer seat.
Bemis 'Next Step' Family Toilet Seat
The photo above, taken from the Bemis site, actually highlights the very reason why I wanted this seat for my bathroom. I am not a particularly tidy person, but I do have a thing about bathrooms! I hate the fact that when you visit some people's toilets, you get a snapshot of their life by the products they have on view - you can tell that they read on the loo, have dandruff, shave their legs...need I go on?! No, for me, everything in a bathroom should be hidden away.

On the odd occasions I get to languish in the bath, I don't want to be surrounded by an entire sealife centre of plastic creatures, or look at a potty or those ridiculous plastic toddler seats (I can't see one of those without thinking of those toothless old men in gurning competitions!).

This seat is ideal. It sits discreetly awaiting use. When the lid is closed, you would never know it was there. Plus you don't have unnecessary bits of plastic cluttering up the bathroom.

My daughter loves using it. I makes her feel independent, as she can operate it easily herself. It is safe and secure and there is no danger it will slip and slide (or trap little fingers or chubby thighs!). She loves being able to use the 'grown-up' toilet like mummy does, and mummy loves the fact that she doesn't have to slop around with a potty to empty!

Bemis say: “The durable wood, two-in-one toilet seat accommodates both adult and child users equally. The seat's design features a built-in potty seat that recesses into the seat cover where it is secured magnetically when not in use.
When the cover closes, the magnetic feature automatically picks up and secures the child potty seat in the cover recess, eliminating the need for adult users to manually lift the child seat. When it is time to use the potty seat, toddlers can easily pull it down into position by themselves, allowing them to exercise their growing independence and reinforce their "I can do it myself" sense of confidence. The built-in magnet is not visible to the eye and is just strong enough to secure the potty seat to the cover but not so strong that a child cannot pull the potty seat down into position.”

We installed this seat when we had our new bathroom fitted some 18 months ago. Granted, a little premature for our daughter, but it has been really useful having it in situ for visiting nephews and friend's children.

I have just replaced our seat like for like. Sadly we got a chip on ours, and I thought it might be harbouring germs. This is absolutely no reflection on the standard or quality of the seats - I don't imagine they were designed for 15 stone blokes locking themselves out, clambering through upstairs bathroom windows and knocking large fresh-matic air freshener dispensers from a great height onto them! I could be wrong though.

I trawled the internet, and while they are available to purchase from some of the larger DIY stores, by far the best value I found was with the online company, Replacement Toilet Seats at £29.99 plus postage. I can thoroughly recommend their online sales, fast delivery and email notifications of delivery updates.

I realise that this seat is much more expensive than a plastic portable trainer seat, but to me it is well worth the investment. It will remain on our loo for years to come, and hopefully serve Ruby's future brothers/sisters. (Well, you never know!)

The nice people at have even offered a discount if you purchase more than one seat (perhaps installing one in both your upstairs and downstairs toilets). Just enquire with them via their 'contact us' form on their site.

Guest review by Missie Lizzie from Me and my shadow

Thursday 16 September 2010

Conifer Care - Service Review

Knowing how important it is to find reliable people to do certain jobs here you have it.....
I met this wonderful couple by chance while they were chopping down  some conifers at my neighbours garden.  I had asked the neighbours for the stomps, as my husband planned to carved them, so I wanted to make sure they weren't going anywhere. I approached them and explained what was what.  We immediately clicked, they were a lovely joyful couple,  and I mean couple.  They run a family business and she is very tough and hard working, (only stopping briefly to chat while her husband assisted me).
Well!! They do Nationwide Conifer Care, Yep!! That is nationwide... Meaning anywhere you are in UK, they can be there for you.  

I saw them working with state of the art equipment,  and also discovered they had 3 jobs to do just around my neighbourhood.  Chopping down those conifers to a neighbour, trimming the hedge to another and also chopping down a dying Apple Tree.  How do I know this?  No, not because I go around my neighbours finding out about their lives, but because this kind gentleman knowing I loved the  stomps came back to tell me I could go a collect the stomps from the Apple Tree from the next neighbour.  That was jolly good of them!!
Now, I ended up speaking to all the involved neighbours, (who had just used them), and they all seemed very happy that they left the place very neat and clean, they were quick, (Yes they were!! I saw them working), very jolly and friendly, and best of all  the prices very competitive.
In the end I discovered they are not on the web yet unfortunately.  Well for a job, (3 at least), well done, they deserve some thumbs up, so here is my review.
They cover the whole of England but mainly Essex, London & Kent.
They do  Lopping; Topping; Pruning; Crown Reductions; Crown Thinning; Pollarding, Hedges Trimming and Removal
They will deal with Birches; Ash; Elm; Oak, Apple etc.
Free estimate too :)
Give them a go, I am sure you will not regret it.
Guest post by Mrs F of Funny Banana

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Several Parenting Resources You Can Make Use Of For Your Child

By: Andy Guides
Parenting is definitely one of the most difficult tasks you will ever have in this lifetime. As a parent, you not only have amazing responsibilities, but you must also implement all of your actions in the most skilled manner possible in order to achieve the best results possible. Obviously, being a good parent takes quite a bit of work.

There are a few factors of parenting that you can focus your efforts upon in order to ensure you are a great parent though. By focusing your efforts on these areas of your life, you can be sure that you will be a great parent for your child. There are a few factors like giving praise, being consistent with your methods, and other factors that can affect the way your child views you as a parent.

As a parent, you should never underestimate the power of praising. Praise can raise the spirits of your child instantly. Not only can praise raise the spirits of your child instantly, but also the effects of praise can often extend over the child's entire lifetime. If you praise a child while they are younger, they will likely remember that praise for years to come. If you praise a child consistently, it is likely that the praise will make an even larger impact on their life.

If you can train a child to expect praise for performing a specific action, you can be certain that that the child will perform the action more consistently than they probably would if they never received praise for performing the action.

If you use praise to guide your child towards the best actions they can take, you can be positive that your child will take those actions more often than they would if you did not praise them for taking those actions in the first place.

Also, many parents believe that the best approach to parenting is playing it by ear. Many parents believe that they can simply watch the unfolding of their child's life and guide them towards the most appropriate actions at any given time. Even though some parents honestly believe this is the best way to approach parenting, you should know that planning ahead is often a much more suitable tool for working with a child.

By creating a plan, you will always know which actions to take under all circumstances, because you can always take actions that move your plan forward. You should remember that your plan should be malleable though, and not a solid plan that must be followed. As long as you create your plan as a malleable plan, you can be sure that it will always be guiding your child towards the best life they can possibly have.
About the Author
It's one of those grand buzz words that abound these days - parenting skill - like you apply for it and it arrives in the mail in six to eight weeks. It's not quite that easy. If you look for parenting resources and maybe join a parenting group, you're likely to have more success. For all the free information you'll need, please visit our website now.
(ArticlesBase SC #3255741)
Article Source: - Several Parenting Resources You Can Make Use Of For Your Child

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Back to preschool

Going to prechool on a winter day
Last week my son was supposed to go back to school, he goes to Preschool three 5 hour days a week.

I phoned up the school to check if they were open and Mrs B told me that there had been a leak and there was water coming from the ceiling through the light fittings, obviously they had to close the preschool and she told me if all goes well they should be open this week.

I love my son dearly but I treasure the time he is at preschool to spend with my baby girl, do chores and get some work done in peace while knowing that my son is having fun and learning.

Today I phoned in the morning and they told me that they are open, I took my little boy in and he was very excited and went in straight away telling one of the girls what he had done over the holidays.

As is was walking home I felt so excited that I had some time for myself with baby girl and to get some stuff done :D

I also remembered the time before my son was 4 years old, I would see other mums excited about their kids going back to school and think "OMG! Why are they so eager to see the back of their kids???!!! I will never be like that!" but now I get it. 

It's not any less love we have for our kids, it's the fact that we spend all of our time with them, entertaining, teaching, loving and taking care of them and guess what? ... They still get bored, and when they do... they get mischievous!! 

Let's face it, you need some time to unwind too (even if it is working and not actually relaxing!) and they need some time to themselves too. It's a fact. When my son comes from school he is excited to tell me about his day at school and he eats better too (he is a very fussy eater).

So yes, I love my son to death but I am glad he goes to preschool. 

I'm sorry for "judging" other mummies out there before I had actually gone through it.

Monica xxx

Monday 13 September 2010

The Green Familia gives Seedboms the thumbs up!

You can find a review of our Seedboms over at

The Green Familia gave our Seedboms 4.5 out of 5!

We are so pleased because they are fab!

An extract from the article:

"A great, fun way of getting children into the garden and planting flowers. Also an exciting way of teaching children about how some materials biodegrade. My daughters were fascinated by the fact that the Seedbom would disappear eventually and kept wanting to go back and see what had happened to it!" Sue and her two daughters aged 3 and 5

The Green Familia - Seedbom Review

UK Product Recall: Shudehill Sundae Lip Gloss

This product has nothing to do with My Funny Bunny but I saw this European Product Recall Website and thought I would let you know.

This product has been recalled from the UK market:

Type/number of model: ‘Lip gloss icecream sundae’ UK retailer item# 12014 / barcode 5036740160952

Description: Flip top plastic containers of lip gloss, finished to resemble small ‘ice cream sundaes’ i.e. ice cream in a serving glass. Retail packaging is a clear plastic tray of 24 units with a coloured cardboard header.

DANGER: Choking

The product poses a risk of choking because the lids can be easily detached and swallowed by children. The product does not comply with the Directive 87/357/EEC on products which, appearing to be other than they are, endanger the health or safety of consumers.

These have been withdrawn from the market.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Save the environment & get £££ with Oxfam!

I came across this and thought it was a really cool idea, plus the video is really nice with all the illustrations ;)

Friday 3 September 2010

Thursday 2 September 2010



To win an Organic Kurtis Baby Peace of your choice go to our latest newsletter!

As used and recommended by celebrities!

Competition closes on the 30th of September 2010

BABYGROWERS Discount Card has launched!

Save Money not Points! 

Launched yesterday, on the 1st September 2010 is a new discount card ( which has been especially created for new and expecting parents!

The team behind Babygrower’s Discount Card are all parents themselves and know the cost of raising little ones is high, whether you are on a budget or not.

With this in mind they have created a unique partnership with a range of high street companies (Sainsburys, Aviva and Butlins) as well as smaller individual companies (My Funny Bunny, My Munchkin, Baby Not Included, DaisychainBaby and Green Baby to name a few) to offer you a range of discounts, which include:  home/car insurance, groceries, holidays, maternity necessities, pushchairs, car seats, nursery furniture and much more.

Check out the new Babygrowers Posterous Blog here for more information on our discount partners and topical information.

The cost of the card is only £14.99 and for most people this amount spent will be far less than their actual savings in their first month of use will be far less than their actual savings in their first month of use or in many cases, their first purchase!  

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Wednesday 1 September 2010


Kurtis Baby Peace in action

Have you ever struggled with a pram umbrella or car window shade to keep the sun off your baby, or had to throw a muslin over your pram only to have it swept away by a sudden gust of wind?

Yes, most of us have... but now there is another option!

Baby Peace is a 100% organic protective curtain that easily attaches to the hood of your pram or car seat shielding your baby from both sun and wind, leaving your baby to settle in a calm and secure environment. 
This new innovative product was created by Swedish designers and comes in various colours and prints (also available in plain) to compliment your current pram or rear-facing car seat style. It is quickly attached using simple plastic rings, without marking your hood, allowing you to either move the curtain aside or flip over the back of the pram or car seat for easy access to your baby. 

Baby Peace in Dream Cerise
For those eco friendly mums and dads, you will be happy to know that not only does Baby Peace protect against 99.5% UVA and 99.7% UVB rays, it’s also made from 100% organic cotton and the dying process is also environmentally friendly. The print paint is non-toxic and even the plastic rings are produced from recyclable Pom Plastic!

"We are very excited to add this new product to our website", says Monica Strydom, Director at My Funny Bunny "As a mum of two, I have put up with throwing blankets or muslin cloths over my pram in an attempt to keep the sun or wind off my baby only to be picking them up off the floor moments later! Baby Peace not only takes away this daily struggle but gives me peace of mind that my baby is protected from the sun, plus it also looks good on my pram.".

You can get your hands on a Baby Peace at