Tuesday 31 May 2011

End of the Road

That’s me finished my stint as a My Funny Bunny author, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my posts. If you do want to read more from me (shameless plug) you can find me over at Curly&Candid.

Now while I have your attention I want to ask you if you’ve ever really explored the MFB blog?
Here you have a fantastic opportunity to not only read more about Monica (the brains and beauty behind it all) but also find fantastic, interesting and useful info for you and your family. There is a wealth of reviews, useful discount codes (let’s face it, we all like to save a few pounds where we can!), and great pieces from Monica and her talent team of guest authors. The MFB Blog is a great standalone site but also links to the truly fantastic My Funny Bunny online shop, a collection of must have items for pregnancy, birth, baby and beyond! I know Monica pretty well and am positive that nothing hits MFB’s shelves that she wouldn’t use with her own brood. MFB has a fantastic range of clothing, skincare items, accessories, toys, nursery items, gifts and more. So, stop reading now and go and explore! Have a proper look around the blog and visit the shop for a chance to see some gorgeous items at very reasonable prices. Monica – thanks for having me! It’s been a blast :)


I would like to thank Nicki for being part of our family on MFB, she is a great writer and a pleasure to have!

If you are a talented writer and wish to show off your skills by becoming part of our Blog family, please do get in touch :)

Monica xx

Friday 27 May 2011

Create.net - Meet our sponsor to Cybermummy 2011

Create.net are our sponsors for this years Cybermummy, I am glad they approached us because theirs is a product I believe in as I have been using their services for over a year and a half!

Create have been around since 1999, that is a lot of years and experience! Their aim is give you the tools to create the website you want. Whoever you are and however terrible you are at using computers, Create makes it easy for you and your business to create a great looking website.

Packages start at just £2.99 a month or £29.99 a year and that includes hosting (Starter Package), and they go all the way to Pro Seller. Not only do you get great support from Create but there is also the most amazing supportive community forum where members support each other.

Create is not just for novices in web design, it is also for those that have a little more knowledge or even the professional web designers, for these levels of expertise there is the Web Designers Kit (WDK), examples shown below.

You can do any sort of website not just e-commerce, here is an example www.security-jobs.biz , its your website, customize it as you need it!

When we asked some of the members to comment on the service we were overwhelmed by the response! Here are just a few:

"I love the simplicity of Create.net, it's an amazing platform for mums in business.  It has very affordable monthly plans and the layout and design is suitable for all techie needs. When I first started Charlie Moo's nearly 3 years ago I could barely turn on a computer but now I am able to write html codes and the beauty of Create.net is that it allows you to grow with it.  I also love the personal aspect of the customer services.  You can tweet or Facebook any queries and you'll get a response straight away.  They are always happy to help. I recommend Create.net to everyone ;) " Joanne Dewberry, owner of www.charliemoos.co.uk

"I've had ecommerce sites before but Create are by far the best. The level of support alone stands them out ahead of everyone else, and the features and constant improvements make it incredible value for money. I'm so glad I found them." www.babydreamcatcher.com

"Like many others I had no idea whatsoever about web design, but Create seems very user-friendly with plenty of templates and helpful articles. Would definitley recommend! Have had a few sales already too, so am well chuffed!" Sally, owner of www.halerholder.co.uk

"Since using Create, we have managed to gain national word association with our site, and as we are growing so are the features that can be used via Create. The community is great and the customer service is second to none." www.ethical-emi.com

"Making a website using Create is extremely easy to do, a total novice can have a website within a few hours." Elaine, owner of www.starsandroses.co.uk

So you see... it isn't just me saying so! If you need a website go to  www.create.net now and get your 30 DAY FREE TRIAL!

Monica x

Thursday 26 May 2011

Graco Fusio Review

The Graco Fusio arrived with us back in March, you can read all about its arrival with detailed pictures here. My kids got very excited when they woke up in the morning and saw it standing there ready for the school run, you would have thought it was Christmas!

It is a nice looking pushchair and very strong and sturdy, it has various reclining positions, you can have the seat facing you or facing forward, and a massive basket too.

An amazing feature is (specially considering that the seat can face either way) it folds up in a similar way to an umbrella folding pushchair, it ends up being quite big when folded but it STANDS ON ITS OWN!

This is a fantastic feature because I am able to keep it on my corridor when not in use and it doesn't bother anyone. One of my previous pushchairs was so big that it had to be kept in the car in the weekend but during the week when I do the school run (which I walk) it had to be kept in the corridor, problem was even when put down you couldn't really go past which was a nightmare.

Another great feature was the fact that the handles can also be swivelled any way you want for comfort, me and my husband had a bit of fun with this as when you swivelled them outwards it felt super comfy but it also felt like you were riding a Harley Davidson! 

It is also very easy to turn the seat around, and recline, some pushchairs can be a bit of a nightmare when it comes to reclining, with little bits to pull but this one is easy and I never woke up my daughter when reclining it.

The only things I found a bit hard with the Graco Fusio were the front wheels move 360 degrees and they often get stuck when the wheels are completely forward, its hard to explain what I mean without showing you but I have to lift up the front of the pram quite a few times in one journey for the wheels to swivel back to its original position so I can continue going again.

The other thing was the weight when you push, I am not sure if its due the weight of the actual pushchair ( 6.5kg ) or something to do with the wheels, my husband complained about this but I actually used it to my advantage, I actually lost weight and got fitter, so turned into a plus!

For rrp £299.99 (but we found it for £230 here) this pushchair is suitable from birth as it lays down flat, comes with a comfy newborn liner and an apron. It also comes with its own rain cover and harness protectors.

You can also use the Graco Fusio as travel system by adding Graco's Logico S Deluxe Car Seat and can get accessories to match it or you can add your own too like these fabulous ones here.

The Graco Fusio is a very sturdy and versatile pushchair suitable from birth upwards. There are tons of fabulous features. A bit tough to push but can be used as a fitness aid. The only thing that really let it down were that the wheels can be a bit of a problem as they swivel 360 degrees and can get stuck the other way around.

MFB Rating: 8.5 /10

For full product information and a video on how the Graco Fusio works visit Graco.co.uk

A great accessory for the Graco Fusio is one of these pushchair curtains for sun protection as I found it very difficult to attach our parasol due to the shape of the frame, and when I eventually got it attached it would fall off after a short while!

Friday 20 May 2011

New Release Titled "How to make a woman Happy"

Apparently us women are difficult to make happy so much so that a book was written on how to make us happy!

Apparently it looks something like this...

Seriously?!? I think it looks more like this!!...

Les Petits Bonbons Massage Oil Candle & Cookies for the evening! ;)

See! Easy peasy isn't it?
Now if your other half needs a hint, be cheeky and send him the link to this page ;)

Monica x

Wednesday 18 May 2011

First Time Mum... Again!!

When Taylor arrived I was convinced I knew what i was doing. After all, it had all been done before hadn’t it? Kieran is nearly five so we’d done all the firsts, weaning, toilet training, the lot. Second time should be a piece of cake right? 

Luckily for me it has been so far. Taylor is a very laid back and contented baby. This is fortunate, because while he is laid back, when it comes to his wellbeing, I am not! I’d forgotten, or subconsciously tucked away the apprehension that comes with introducing a new life into the world. Am I doing it right? It worked with Kieran, maybe it won’t with Taylor? Did Kieran do that? I’m sure he was rolling over by now..... Yes, guilty as charged, I’ve been being a comparer. It’s lethal, and there is absolutely no point to it either as no two children are ever the same.

So now I’ve stopped, I don’t compare progress between the two, I just worry about Taylor in his own right. I’m a fairly laid back parent in most ways, but I don’t think it matters whether you have one child or six, you are always going to worry, always be on the lookout for small signs that all is not well, and never more than you will when they are very little & unable to tell you if things are as they should be!

I’m more confident in all the stages I’ve encountered before, I do things automatically, it’s a practiced art, but to be honest – the only significant difference between myself now and myself as a mum to a new baby nearly five years ago..? I read less books about parenting now, I just get on with it!

Are we all the same? Or am I just getting soft? Have you found that you worry less with child 2+ or like me, are you still in constant watch mode?


Sunday 8 May 2011

Do you love the circus?

I love the circus, I have since I was a child... it was my favourite place to go.

I was mesmerized by the beautiful sparkly costumes, the amazing acrobats and the funny clowns.

I also loved the animals, I believed that the animals were so smart and wonderful doing their shows but that changed when I grew up and realized that the animals didn't want to be chained up and displayed for our pleasure. I am sure that there are nice handlers that teach the animals tricks by reward but I bet most are cruel on the animal if they don't get their way.

One thing is for sure, I had no idea that people could be so cruel, just out of nothing turn around and beat an animal, how disgusting of a person can you  be to beat an innocent animal? Without being provoked or it being self defence? That person clearly needs the same treatment themselves!

Here is a video of the treatment of one of the UKs famous circus animals... appalling.

PLEASE DO NOT WATCH WITH YOUNG CHILDREN - may be disturbing for older children.

Annie the elephant has now been moved to Longleat Safari Park.

Now please visit PETA.org.uk and urgently sign a petition to PUT AN END TO WILD ANIMAL ABUSE IN THE CIRCUS

Its better to watch wild animals in the zoo or the wild, I hope you agree.

Monica x