Monday 31 January 2011

Lifft Baby Sling Review

Cocoa & Coral Lifft Sling
I received my Lifft Sling to review and was really excited, it looks gorgeous, the colours are really nice, the fabric is soft and it looks really comfortable.

I then had to work out how to put it on, which I managed with guidance from their web page. The difficult part was getting my daughter into it, I followed the instructions to do a front lift and tried with a teddy bear first, but however I did it, I felt like I was squishing her in and she wasn’t too impressed about being in there.

I persevered with the front lift and did manage to carry her around and she fell asleep in there but I couldn’t get my head round her being squished. So the next time I used it I tried the little Buddha lift (from 3 months only), which is fairly complex in terms of getting the baby in there and I had to lift my baby quite high in order to slide her in but she seemed much happier peeking out of the sling and enjoyed it for longer. She wouldn’t stay in there for more than half an hour before getting a bit fretful, I don’t know if it is because she doesn’t like sitting cross legged for too long?

Whilst she would sit in it, the sling was comfortable and distributed the weight evenly, I didn’t have back ache at all and it enabled me to get on with things around the house whilst she was still close.

I think my Lifft sling will come in most handy when my daughter is 6 months old and I can do the side lift, where the baby is sat on your hip but the weight is distributed more and you have more support, I am looking forward to trying this position and think it will be the most successful.

I want to love this sling as it looks stunning but I have personally had a few issues with getting my daughter into it, at the moment she prefers her standard front carrier and will be happy in that walking round town in and out of shops for a few hours. Also with a standard carrier you can swap it over with someone else, with the Lifft Sling, you order it in your dress size and my husband isn’t a size 10 so he can’t carry her around at all.

As I’ve mentioned I think it will be invaluable from 6 months, I will update you on my progress and let you know what she thinks of the side lift!

Emily x

A little bit about Lifft Slings:
Your little one is carried at your centre of gravity and encourages you to stand up straight. The hip carrying position means you no longer need to 'kick' out hips to support toddlers and instead their weight is spread comfortably across your hip, shoulder and back. This means it also doesn't place any pressure on a baby's developing spine, keeping them in the recommended carrying position.

Easy to put on with no buckles clips or straps to do up, meaning the sling can be used without help and be put on with just one hand -  also allowing for fuss-free and discreet breastfeeding.
The perfect fit...
The fit of a baby sling is crucial to protect both your posture and your baby's, so is available in a multitude of sizes and styles, for both mums and dads shape. The Lifft™ sling comes in a variety of sizes from 6 to 22 for ladies, or S, M & L for men and is sized to fit the wearer. Particular sizes can also be made specifically for you and your individual shape and size.            

The sling is machine washable, made in the UK and folds down to the size of a nappy - perfect for squeezing in when you're on the run.
Lifft™ sling £49.99 also available in other colourways from

Saturday 29 January 2011

5 Tips to improve your Google Page Rank

Be it for blogs or for e-commerce websites, we all wanna be found easily on Google!
Here is Alison Rothwell, a seo expert with some tips...

Improving your Google PageRank will of course have a knock on effect to your position within the natural search results. But don't make the mistake of concentrating solely on PageRank. Improving PageRank should be a part of a well organized SEO strategy. With that in mind here are 5 tips to help improve your Google PageRank.

1. Create a Google site map.

Google has a great number of free tools you can use. So if you don't already have one, head on over to and create a free account, then follow the instructions to create a sitemap, it's actually quite simple. While your there take a look at some of the other free tools they offer.

2. Getting good back links.

It's common knowledge that the more links you have, the better it is for your PageRank. But while it's common knowledge, it's not entirely correct. It's not so much the quantity of links you have, but the quality. All links should be from relevant sites, preferably with a high PageRank themselves. A good way of getting quality back links is to post in relevant forums. Answer any questions that may have been posted and include a link back to your site offering more information. DO NOT spam these websites with links though, or you'll be banned.

3. Always check your spelling.

Goggle sorry Google doesn't like spelling mistakes. So always make sure your content and titles are spelled correctly. It was once common practice to optimise sites with misspelled words for popular search terms to try and fool the engines. Those days are over, if your site has misspelled words on it, your PageRank will be penalized accordingly.

4. Check out what your competitors are up to.

Do a search in Google for the search term you want to rank for. The people at the top of the list are doing something right, so lets take a look at what their up to. Type the following search string into Google replace competitor with the url of the top ranking site. You will now see a list of sites that are linking to that particular webpage. Make a note of the links and try to get them to link to your site as well.

5. The PageRank of your homepage is important, but don't forget the rest of your site.

PageRank like the name suggests is an indication of the quality of the page you're on, not of the website as a whole. A common mistake is to concentrate on increasing the PageRank of your homepage, thinking that it will filter down to the other pages on your site. Well no it won't, try to get links into the whole of your site, for a number of different keywords. Do all this correctly and soon you'll start to see the fruits of your labours.

Alison Rothwell, online marketing expert, is founder of the SEO Training Club, the proven step-by-step solution to your internet marketing problems. To receive her weekly online marketing ezine to help get higher search engine rankings to increase your online sales, visit

Many thanks to Alison for this wonderful post.

Monica x

Friday 28 January 2011

Our review featured on Cares website

When we review goodies, be it for stuff we get sent to review or stuff we buy, we always give HONEST reviews, we will never be bought to post reviews to the manufacturers liking.

We say what we think, and yes there are products that we have come across that we have not found negative points but we have always been truthful, so when our reviews get featured anywhere I get super happy!

This to me means that people are listening, be it the brands themselves or the consumers, and that makes me happy. :)

So here you go, we are featured on the Cares website, guess they liked our review! You can view our feature here.

Monica x

Thursday 27 January 2011

Stylish Blogger Award - 7 things you didn't know about me...

My new friend Carolin of Mummy Alarm and my long time friend Gauri of Blessing Tree have tagged me in the Stylish Blogger Award which is great but it means I have to tell you 7 things you didn't know about me...

I really had to think about this and it was actually quite hard. So here goes my attempt!

1. When I was three years old I was having fun on a cotton reel display watching all the reels fall down when I took one from the bottom, problem was I couldn't put them back in through the top as I didn't reach. Resulting in me putting them in my jacket pockets (unfortunately I had rather big pockets), when I got home, my nan found them in my pockets and made me go back and apologize to the shop owner.
I didn't know I was stealing until my nan explained when we got home... apologizing to the store owner was probably my most embarrassing moment ever.

2. I secretly dream about owning a country house with a pretty country cream kitchen, where I wear a pretty apron I made myself and I bake cakes all the time... those of you who know me will think this is totally unlike me!

3. I wanted to home school my kids but unfortunately have no time and thought they will miss out on socializing and other things school can offer, but I certainly would like to nurture and teach them all I can all the time.

4.  I was a really good singer when I was younger, now I am out of practice I believe I sound like a howling dog in pain.

5. Marmite = Hate it, Vegemite = Never tried it

6. I absolutely love potatoes and this, I could probably live on those things!!!

7. I am very very impatient, it's annoying...specially to me!

Now I have to nominate 15 blogs.... that is a lot! Then they have to do the same as above and nominate other peeps too!

1. New but cool blog by @ChicUniqueUK Http://

2. Rosa Pomar at , this is a very cool blog with all kinds of cool crafty stuff and translated the title means "The Pink Pea" how can you not love that?! Click on the english tab at the top to read in english :)

3. The really cool family blog over at , the baby blogs, the mummy blogs and the kids blog... loads of pictures = super cool blog!

4. Kathryn is great writer and a great lady, lovely blog...

5. A blog of a successful small business that started at home... very cool stuff!

6. A felt artist blog... simply love her birdies...

7. A blog with some cool posts and wicked give aways

8. Insomniac mummy - interesting stuff... but you really have to stop over for her "Hot or Not?" posts... *drools*

9. Musings of a mummy... an interesting blog... and she has a baby on the way! Awwww!

10. Fun foodie blog of a mummy

11. Miss Lizzie B is a funny gal, trust me I've met her!

12. Fellow mummy blogger and Quinny Caster Emma over at

13. Great blog a first time mummy

14. A mummy trying to juggle her many "hats"

15. An american mum in Glasgow

Phew! Thats it... many more people I would like to tag but I think this list is long enough! Now all you bloggers have to do the same! ;)

Monica x

Monday 24 January 2011

Sunday 23 January 2011

Top 3 Gift Ideas - Feature on The Green Familia

Only came across it now as Google failed to inform me, but we were featured in The Green Familia, a fabulous ethical green blog for families!

Their top 3 pics of our goodies were the Wilkinet Organic Cotton Baby Carrier in Chocolate Brown, Little Lamb Organic Cotton Nappy Kit and the Baby Peace Organic Protective Curtain in White.

I am glad The Green Familia like these!

Read the original article here.

Monica x

The Green Familia feature for Christmas 2010

Only came across it now as Google failed to inform me, but we were featured in The Green Familia, a fabulous ethical green blog for families!

Here is a screen shot of the feature where you can see an image of our stunning Merino Wool & Silk Felted Soaps which we are exclusive retailers of. I am glad The Green Familia think they are fab too!

Read the original article here.

Monica x

Friday 21 January 2011

Did I read that sign right?

I have probably done a blunder like this.... reminds you to proof read before you put a sign up... or a blog post up!

Monica x

In an office:

In a Laundromat:

In a London department store:

In an office:

In an office:

Outside a secondhand shop:

Notice in health food shop window:

Spotted in a safari park:

Seen during a conference:

Notice in a farmer's field:

On a repair shop door:

Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle). We all need a good laugh, keep on smiling!

Author Unknown

Thursday 20 January 2011

Vovo Nene's Moist Carrot Roly Poly - Torta de Cenoura da Vovo Nene - Recipe

This recipe is very special to me, I lived in Portugal with my grandma until I was ten years old, she gave me the best birthday parties ever, with beautiful themed birthday cakes handmade by the same lady every year and a "menu" of cakes and sweeties that I loved, year after year.

This year for my husbands birthday I decided I wanted to treat him to one of my childhood favorites, so I asked my grandma teach me how to make it, and it turns out it's really easy!

I am sharing my grandma's recipe with you because I think it's the yummiest ever and a great way to get the kids to eat carrots :)

Vovo Nene's Torta de Cenoura
Carrots - 1.150 kg
4 eggs
Sugar - 500g
Baking Powder - half a teaspoon
Flour - 4 Spoons
Butter/ Margarine to grease

Oven tray
Greaseproof paper
Vegetable mill or food processor
Sift (or colander with really fine holes), if you have none of these improvise with an old kitchen towel.
Mixing Bowl x 2
Whisk / Hand Mixer

Peel & cut the carrots in smaller pieces and boil them. Once boiled, drain them very well, then use a vegetable mill or food processor to cut them all up so it resembles a carrot "mash". You then put the carrot "mash" into a sift (a sort of colander with really fine holes) and leave it resting over a container for the water to drain.

If you have not got a sift or a colander with fine holes, drain as much water as possible out while in the pan and then put carrot "mash" in an old and clean kitchen towel, bring the cloths points together and twist so you get as much of the water out as possible.

The longer you leave the carrots to drain, the better, my grandma says you should leave it overnight but I as I am not very patient I leave it for a few hours and from time to time I mix it around and push it down with a spoon to get as much water out as possible.

Once the carrots are well drained they should be roughly half the weight, so assuming you started with 1.15kg you should end up with around 500g of carrot "mash".

Take the carrot mash an place it in a large mixing bowl, add the sugar and mix it up.

Now take the eggs and separate the egg yellow from the white, placing the white into a separate mixing bowl and the yellow into the carrot mixture and mix it around, do this for all 4 eggs and make sure you give the carrot mixture a mix each time you put a egg yellow in.

Once that is done you should have a bowl with the egg whites, whisk until you get firm/ stiff peaks, you should be able to tilt or tip your bowl and the egg whites stay where they are, leave this to one side. (video on how to beat egg whites here)

Now add the flour and baking powder to your carrot mixture and mix well, take your bowl with the beaten egg whites and place about have of those to the carrot mixture and fold the mixture to involve the egg whites in, this is done slowly and in a folding motion as to keep the egg white air bubbles intact so you get a fluffy and airy mixture, add the remaining egg whites and repeat.

Now you should have a lighter carrot mixture, lighter in texture and lighter in color, its tempting but try and not taste it because if you are anything like me you will end up with a much smaller cake!!

Take an oven tray, it has to be a bit deep, (the one I use is 33cm wide, 26cm height and about 6cm deep) , cut a greaseproof sheet and cut it to size, remembering that you need it to cover the sides, grease it with butter or margarine. Place the greased sheet in the oven tray and then place the carrot mixture in it, spread it nicely so it goes to all the corners.

Now it goes in the oven at 180 degrees (mine is a fan assisted electric oven, may vary in other ovens) for around 40 minutes until ready. You can check if it's ready by taking a piece of spaghetti or a skewer and "stabbing" the cake in the middle, if the skewer or spaghetti comes back clean, it's ready, if it comes back with mixture, then it needs to stay in for longer.

When you take it out, let it cool down a bit, while still warm (as warm as your hands can handle, without burning yourself of course!) and roll up on the widest side, this is best done on a flat surface, using the greaseproof paper that it was baked on.

Let it rest, so it cools and settles and pop it on a serving tray or plate.

The picture on top is of about half the cake as we had already managed to eat the other half by the time I took it.

You can make it with less sugar for a healthier option, try about 400g of sugar, it ends up not so "sticky" and sweet but still tastes mighty nice! Any questions, or just to let me know how you liked it, please comment below :)


Monica xx

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Special Animal Tales At Colchester Zoo For National Story Telling Week

On Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January, Colchester Zoo is running special animal tales stories in the Discovery Centre as part of National Story telling Week! So why not get out from in front of the TV and join us at Colchester Zoo's Discovery Centre for some fun and interactive storytelling, as we present a number of staff-penned, classic Animal 'tales!'

Tales in store for the weekend include 'King of the World,' an interactive tale for children to enjoy, with costumes to dress up in and exciting animal roles to act out! 'You're too small,' a unique tale about Zamba our youngest member of the white rhino family and the mischief he gets up to on his quest to find somebody to play with! Other tales also include 'The lonely giraffe,' left out of the action due to his long neck, the giraffe and animals soon have to learn to work together when danger approaches and the river bursts its banks, and 'The selfish crocodile' who soon needs to learn the error of his ways when struck with a terrible toothache and needs to ask for help, plus many more!

These stories will take place during the day inside the Discovery Centre over the weekend, with plenty of chances for families to catch some of these exciting tales. After, they will be able to head out into the park and spot some of the main characters in their enclosures throughout the zoo.

Special story telling sessions are also on offer throughout story telling week from the 29th January until the 6th February for School groups to book and enjoy.

National Storytelling Week began in the year 2000, with the aim to increase public awareness of the art, practice and value of oral storytelling. It is held during the first week of February every year.

I saw this and thought our readers might be interested, we would love to go but I don't think we will be able to, will try my best though as my son would love it!!

Are you going with your kids?

Monica xx

Sunday 16 January 2011

Seriously, what's football all about?

Yesterday I was admittedly really bored on a long drive to London to visit a friend of ours.

We went passed a golf course and it got me thinking about certain sports... ok, obviously first I thought about golf... golf is a great sport if you have plenty of time on your hands and friends to do it with, but if you go to a golf course by yourself, to play by yourself.... well, in my mind you have to be a bit of a loner (I thought loser was a bit of a strong word and someone might get upset at me!).

You don't exactly get a lot of exercise walking from one hole to the next, pushing a cart and swinging a bat around... I could get the same exercise walking around my local huge supermarket, pushing a supermarket trolley and swatting flies or smacking* other peoples screaming kids... admittedly people would think I was crazy but we are in a free country after all!

So yes, in my head golf is boring, specially to watch it on TV... unless I personally know the bloke who is playing, I couldn't care less if he gets all the holes in one or wins a big trophy.

But the title here is about football, and that is what came in to my thoughts next, I can say that I had a lot of time on my hands and was really terribly bored.

In my little family we don't watch football, my husband is more of a Formula 1 fan (which I don't get the point of anyway, but it's more bearable as it's only a few times a year), and therefore my son is a car fanatic and never took on to football (phew!).

Anyway, I do waffle on a bit but seriously, what's football all about?

Ok, I know what the actual game is all about, scoring goals and all, but what do people watch it for?

I get playing it, if you asked me to play a game of footie with you I'd be all for it, as long as it's not cold outside, but watching it?!?

Sincerely, why would I want to watch a bunch of blokes getting paid millions to kick a ball around?

On second thought I have been known to stop in front of the TV when passing by it at my parents' house watching a football game but what no one knows is that I am actually admiring the rears of the players. hehehe

Monica x

Saturday 15 January 2011

My honest opinion on the Quinny Zapp Xtra - A review

A few months ago I was chosen as a Quinny Caster and got a Quinny Zapp Xtra to review. I was very pleased because I had a regular Quinny Zapp a few years ago which I used as a travel pushchair or when car boot space was paramount and I was really disappointed with the lack of a recline feature on it.

The Quinny Zapp Xtra came in a relatively small box and it was a doddle to set up... specially because I hate looking at instructions! You can view our attempt at putting it together quickly with my 4 year old while my toddler was asleep and I needed to wash my hair, yes, you can view the video right here!

 The frame is the same as the Quinny Zapp but the seat is separate with its own frame, it is no longer small to put in the car though, as the seat occupies a lot of boot space compared to the Quinny Zapp but it has more features as now you can recline it.

It also allows you to have your child face you, which is great but if you use it this way you can't have the seat upright, it has to be reclined slightly or all the way back because of the frame underneath. I find this a bit of a shame as my toddler doesn't like to be reclined unless she is sleeping, but I do prefer to have her face me, specially in the winter as then my body shields her from the cold harsh wind and if she is facing forward I can't do that unless I put the rain cover on but then she doesn't get the fresh air.

Yes, I guess I am somewhat of a fussy mummy but I was expecting something different from this pushchair because of it's name. I expected it to be the same practicality and size as the Quinny Zapp just with extra features but it is far from that. In my opinion they should have named it something else as to avoid disappointment of people comparing it to its predecessor.

As a different pushchair it is a nice design, I like the fact that it comes with it's own basket and a nice hood which has a little flap for the sun too which is removable, this was a really ingenious idea! You can see it on the pics above.

The rain cover is cool too as it only goes around the actual seat frame and not the pushchair frame although if you use a foot muff it comes up a bit small, saying that I am not using a Quinny Zapp foot muff as I already had my own , I also found it difficult to close it on the sides where it goes around the joints of the pushchair frame.

One thing that I think has let this pushchair down has to be the small wheels, Since October I have had at least 4 occasions where I have almost tipped the pram over and landed my daughter on the floor face first! The worse of them is documented here, the front wheel tends to get stuck on cracks on tarmac or uneven pavements and if you are walking at a quick pace and not expecting it you can land on the floor and hopefully not with your child hurt. Due to this I say you must never ever use this pram without strapping your child in properly and snuggly, but then again I wouldn't tell you not to strap your child in on any other pram either!

That is my honest view of this pushchair, the Quinny Zapp Xtra has many good points but it could be an even better pushchair by having a purposely designed frame for it instead of using the Zapp frame.

Now I have this eerie feeling that at Quinny Casters HQ they are gonna have a picture of me on their dart board to attack me on their breaks!!!

Monica xx
For more honest reviews visit our reviews page.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Are we too hard to please?

Are women too hard to please or are men too easy to please?!?

Monica x

Husband Store

A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs

She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'

So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.

'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.

'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. (scroll and keep reading!)


To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.

The first floor has wives that love sex.

The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.

(Unknown author)

Monday 10 January 2011

Which of the seven deadly sins is gonna be your doom?

After reading Slummy Single Mummy's blog on the quiz she took, I was far too curious to just close the page and get on with my work, yes bookkeeping is far too boring so I decided to have a teeny weeny break and do the quiz...

Here's my score:

Envy:Very Low
Lust:Very Low

So yes, obviously I have some bits to work on,
apparently I am greedy and a glutton... may it have anything to do with me having sweets after the kids go to bed?!? Well my view on that is if they don't see it then they don't mess up their teeth... mmmm... I am sure that is a perfectly good excuse isn't it? Don't all good parents do that?! hehehe

I guess there is a bit of sloth going on because I was taking the quiz instead of actually doing my work!! Hey but I have worked very hard today!

So there, I am mostly a goody two shoes ;)

Now take the test and tell me what you got!! If your brave enough that is! hehe

Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Monica x