Wednesday 20 October 2010

Lingerie Please - A Review

Before you have the chance to think "Oh my God she is so gorgeous!" I will tell you that is not me... I am not pregnant and I don't have beautiful long blonde locks! 

One thing is for certain, the lingerie she is wearing certainly made me feel like a million bucks, when you are breastfeeding you can feel like a milking cow, yes that is right, a cow... 
You feel like your breasts are just for feeding your beautiful baby and those white and black breastfeeding bras are now part of you and you can't live without them, but that is where your wrong!

You don't need to feel drab and unsexy anymore, this Cake Lingerie from Lingerie Please is truly delectable! 

The bra feels soft on my skin and its wide silky straps feel luxurious and are great to hold all the weight!
You can't see very good from the image but the cups are actually covered with lace, while inside they are lined with cotton for comfort and when you clip them off to breastfeed you get left with a cotton support that goes all the way through.

The matching pants are just as stunning and come with removable suspenders too!
This lingerie set makes me feel great, is comfortable and practical to breastfeed and the hubby loved it too ;)

This particular set is called Frosted Almond by Cake Lingerie but I was also tempted by their Strawberry Shortcake set (pink with polka dots!).

The service I got from Lingerie Please was great, it got to me super quick after I ordered it and inside the package they also included a Cake Lingerie polka dot gift box, which is a nice touch especially if I was giving it as a gift. I really do think they should mention that they include a gift box as I think it will entice  you to get it if you are thinking about it for a gift!

So if you are tired of feeling like a feeding cow and not very "romantic" spice up your underwear draw with some Cake Lingerie! It definitely gets the thumps up from me ;) It's yum!

Monica xx

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