Sunday 17 October 2010

Baby Annabell Doll Review

A little while ago we got a Baby Annabell for the kids to play with, I have wanted to get one of these for a while but as the kids have masses of toys and things have been a bit tight around here I have refrained from adding to their collection of toys!

Now have we been missing out! Since the first time the kids saw the box they couldn't wait for us to open it! Both my daughter and sone have spent ages playing together and on their own with Baby Annabel, my BooBoo is 16 months and Funny Bunny is 4 and a half years old.

Just like a real baby Baby Annabell® babbles, gurgles and really sucks on her dummy or bottle, with mouth movement and sucking sounds. She cries real tears and after drinking water from her bottle will burp, yawn, and fall asleep.

If you rock her she will close her eyes and sleep and if you talk to her she will respond with happy sounds. Squeeze her cuddly sheep to hear a lullaby and Baby Annabell® will respond with a giggle or laugh.

BooBoo really loves it! It has brought out some interesting and cute behaviour out of her, she gives the baby the bottle, the dummy and holds her in her arms sweetly. She also copies stuff I do with her like stroking, patting and kissing her! The latest is changing the baby's nappy, we have some cloth nappies she uses. It's sweet to see her reactions towards the baby's actions, and truly entertaining.

Funny Bunny likes to play pretend with Baby Annabell too.
(I am not one to stereotype and I think it's important that my son doesn't think that babies and taking care of them are something only for girls, especially since this household never operated like that and his daddy is a real hands on proper man with the kids since their birth.)
He loves playing with his sister and the baby and I think since he always wanted to help with his baby sister since she was born (but obviously he couldn't and can't as she is now too big!) he is now really enjoying playing pretend with Baby Annabell, he very often asks me to talk softer because the baby is sleeping!! Yesterday he strapped her in his sister's highchair and asked if the baby could eat with us.

I think this would have been a great toy for him to play with when BooBoo was born, instead of trying to help and getting upset when he couldn't he could have played with Baby Annabel when I was taking care of his sister, it would have made him feel part of something instead of slightly left out.

The doll has some cool features like crying real tears (You feed it water with her special bottle and then she cries out the water), laughs when you tickle her and her mouth moves when you give her the dummy and many other things! Sincerely I didn't think that a doll could do so may of the things it does, it's fab.

Next I need to get a toy stroller, the kids went over to a friends house and there was one there and they had fun playing with it!

I love it and in the couple of weeks we have had it I have learnt a lot more about my children and their caring personalities and more importantly my kids have learnt new things and are really enjoying role playing. Makes a great present for Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions. Excellent toy to give   to a boy or girl when they become a "big brother" or a "big sister" to make them feel special and part of what's happening!

  • Encourages pretend play which is very important for children
  • Nice size, similar to a real baby
  • Interacts with your child
  • Keeps your child interested for quite a while
  • Clothes come off
  • All kinds of accessories available but you could also use your child's newborn clothing, cloth nappies, etc
  • Really entertaining and educational for the parent to see child's reactions and role play
  • Comes with dummy that is attached to the doll so it won't get lost, sheep dolly that plays a lullaby which can be used separately or to interact with the doll, and bottle which you use with real water.
  • If you buy every single accessory there is it could become an expensive toy. Otherwise not really any bad points I can think of!

Priced around £44.99, Baby Annabell® is suitable for girls aged three plus and is available at all good toy retailers nationwide. Also available is My First Baby Annabell (from around £12) that is suitable from 12 months.

Monica x


  1. They're great toys and if you shop arround you can get them for under £35 (baby annabell price comparison).

    In terms of accessories, the nappies have proven the most popular and are particularly cheap.

  2. Every little girl will fall in love with this baby annabell doll who is exactly like a real baby girl.
    Beaby Annabel features real baby sounds and movements, she gurgles, babbles, sucks on her dummy or bottle with mouth movement and she can ever drink real water from her bottle. This will once again be a top christmas gift for girls.
