Recently North Yorkshire County Council announced plans to chop library services across the county, to save money basically. I was horrified. We use the library regularly and a swift email to my local MP thankfully confirmed that our library wasn’t one up for the chop. Phew! It got me to thinking though. Our local services, which many of us take for granted, are not bullet-proof and could just as easy be taken away if we don’t utilie them!
I am an avid reader, as is Roy and I regularly borrow books to enjoy in those stolen moments of peace and quiet (if you are a parent, you know what I mean!). it is important to me that Kieran, who is 4yrs also has the opportunity to enjoy books. They open so many doors, to so many world, and help him with his reading, build his experience and knowledge and indulge his imagination. If the local library was taken away we would be bereft. Do you know what one book costs – I had a quick gander in WHSmith the other day £7.99 for an adult paperback, £8.99 for a hardback kids book (with 12 pages, 12!). Bereft and skint!
Libraries are not the quiet and solemn places they once were, there is no stern librarian glaring and hissing “shhhh!” at regular intervals. Ours has a large children’s area with low tables and chairs, beanbags, and a few toys. Children are actively encouraged to visit and they run regular storytelling sessions. We have book crawl where you collect stickers and stamps for continuing to visit and take out books. Kieran LOVES visiting! The staff are friendly, more than happy to answer his 30,000 questions and he would really miss not going. We can even rent DVDs from there (think poor weather and half-term bribery) for just £2 a week.
With the exception of DVDs you can access your library account online (yes seriously!) and renew your books up to three times so there is no excuse to run up fines or anything like that, It really is an invaluable service and one I will continue to use and support.
So if you haven’t visited recently, do pop in, make sure you use the library else you might find that when you do, it’s no longer there!
Niki x
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