His family is scattered all over the world now but mainly in South Africa which is where he is from, he was very sad that the rest of his family didn't get to be at the wedding and we always wanted to renew our vows over in SA so his family could be present when we renew our promise to be each other's forever.
Yes it's corny but its true, after 10 years I still shriek of happiness when I think that my husband is gonna be off work and with us at home on his days off, I sometimes even shriek with excitement when he calls me from work saying he is coming home, I still get all lovey dovey when he shaves just for me and not because he is going to work and we still call each other more than once a day when he is at work or we are apart for some other reason.
I truly believe that we are still in love even after 10 years, I don't mean we just love each other, I mean we are still madly in love with each other... I will proudly declare on my renewal of vows my love for him.
So, enough of the lovey dovey stuff....
Last year when we were on holiday over in SA, my sister in law got engaged, after that, she and my mother in law suggested why don't we set a date for us to go over again and do our renewal of vows too?!?
We discussed it and thought it was a great idea, the family would get invited to one event, at one location but with my sister in laws wedding on one day and our renewal of vows on the next day :)
We have the venue... http://www.assegaaibosch.co.za absolutely stunning nature reserve, but I need a dress for me, a dress for my dolly BooBoo, something for my hubby and something for my FunnyBunny. Invitations for the family and whatever else....
Monica xxx
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