Sunday 26 September 2010

I am a Quinny Caster!

A little while ago I saw on twitter that Quinny where looking for some people to test out their products, I clicked on the link and it took me to a website where they said they were looking for 25 people that are active on the internet to test out their Quinny Zapp Extra, after testing it out, you would get to keep it!

I thought I will give it a go and apply, I told my husband that I am not that lucky but if I didn't apply then there would be zero chance. So needless to say I applied and totally for got about it...

A few days later I received an email saying that I was accepted!!! Only 25 people were accepted out of 3000 applications :)

The Quinny Casters, including me, *brushes hair from face* can all be found on the Quinny Casters website,, where you can find out more about us and check out what we all say about the Quinny Zapp Extra. On there you will also find our blog posts, you tube videos and  tweets about our experiences with the Quinny Zapp Extra.

They gave us a choice of which colour to choose between black and red, I chose red as I love bright colours (hence!) and because I have a black Mamas & Papas pushchairs that is black and it shows dirt and dust really quickly.

So here it is, the awaited Quinny, I was told I should receive it by tuesday, I do hope I will receive it on Monday because on tuesday I have to take Funny Bunny to preschool and I might miss the delivery.

I also hope that this pushchair is awesome, because I have been a  devout fan of Stokke, I have had Xplorys for almost 5 years, my first one got "lost" (more like stolen) in a flight to South Africa in which I flew with Iberia Airlines and my second which I bought straight after that is still with us.

However now I look forward to something small which I can hide away when not in use. So lets see how the Quinny measures up!!

I did have a Quinny Zapp in bright orange which I sold on ebay, it was my emergency "don't have any space in the boot" and holiday pushchair but I got annoyed with it because it didn't recline and my son would sleep with his neck all crooked and complain afterwards. I had resorted to, when I really did need to use it and he would fall asleep, walking holding it backwards so it was only on two wheels, I looked like a crazy mum but at least my son was comfortable and that is all that matters! Needless to say, I used the frame with the Maxi Cosi car seat for BooBoo when she was tiny (it was absolutely fab for that by the way) and then it ended up on eBay.

I look forward to sharing with you my experiences with the Quinny Zapp, I will try and share as many ways as possible, by video, photos, blogging and tweeting. As soon as it arrives I will show you the grand opening of the box!

So keep tuned in and your eyes peeled ;)

Monica x


  1. I wanted red but I thought I'd let the OH have a say and let him choose the colour - he chose black! Will make him clean up any mess that shows! ;)

  2. This is going to be 'warts and all', right? You'll tell us if it sucks, too?

  3. That is the plan... Hubby has already 2 things he is watching for....let's see what happens ;)
