Photo Fairytales offer unique & unusual personalised images,
personalised fake magazine covers and newspapers, personalised official football merchandise, plus stunning digitally enhanced images from your ordinary photograph
A £5 voucher so you can turn your little ones photo into a fairy tale!!! How cool is that!
You can have a look at the website www.photofairytales.co.uk to see what wonderfull and magical things you can turn your picture into!
If you do purchase from their website please let them know that My Funny Bunny sent you over ;)
Dont forget to keep an eye out for our next contributor & their gift for this mega give away!
Monica xxx
Did you know that after names, and day of birth, photography is the most popular way to personalise a gift? And that birthdays, christenings and new babies are the top three most popular gift-giving occasions on which to give personalised gifts? You can read more personalised gifts survey results at http://www.itsinthestarsonline.com/verve/_resources/personalized-gifts-survey-findings.pdf.